Help and advice / Water meters
- How do we install a water meter?
- Is my home metered?
- Can I have a meter if I live in a flat?
- Can all properties have water meters?
- Where is my meter located?
- Can I have my meter moved?
- How often do you read the meter?
- When buying a house does the new owner have to keep the water meter?
- How can I work out if I will save money by switching to a meter?
- How do I apply for a water meter?
- How can I apply for a meter?
- How do I give you a meter reading?
- Would I save money by switching to a water meter?
- Can I have a water meter if I rent my home?
- How can I check for leaks?
- Do you check for leaks for free?
- Why should I change to a meter?
- Can I request a meter reading?
- How do I read my meter?
- How does the Meter Money Back Guarantee work?