Bills and accounts
- What is the cost of water per cubic metre or litre?
- Can I apply for a discount if I receive benefits?
- How are unmetered bills worked out?
- What is an assessed charge and how is it calculated?
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- How do I get a refund on an overpayment?
- Can I view my latest bill online?
- How do I log into my online eBilling account?
- How do I sign up for eBilling?
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Moving home
- How do I tell you I have moved home?
- How do I request a water and drainage search for a property I am buying?
- I'm moving into your area. How do I set up an account?
- I'm moving into a metered property. How often will I receive my bills?
- See more
Other suppliers
Paying your bill
- How can I change my Direct Debit details?
- How is my monthly Direct Debit payment calculated?
- How can I increase or change my Direct Debit payments?
- Can I change the date of my Direct Debit payments?
- See more
Problems paying
- Can you reduce my bill due to illness or a medical condition?
- What is WaterSure?
- Can I get a discount on my water bill if I receive Pension Credit?
- What will happen if I can't pay my water bill?
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Surface water drainage
- What is rainwater drainage?
- Can I apply for a rainwater drainage allowance?
- Can I have a discount if rainwater does not run off my property into the drains but goes into a soakaway instead?
- Do I still pay rainwater drainage charges if I have a rainwater harvesting system?